Getting Back To My Roots

Well this is a turn up, and it's only been 4-yrs already.  I have to confess that the MAJ Garden has gone beyond wild and into the sphere of bonkersville, which is confirmed by it's full to bursting proliferation of those plants that most would agree need to be gone, at least in the form with which they existed as we intrepid three headed back into a garden that now feels like the-back-of-beyond...

Brambles, Bindweed and Japanese Knotweed abound...

And there was a certain unspoken agreement that we needed to hail for and untangle the pond, along what would be a previously defined pathway.  But at this stage the pond was like a distant memory.

I for one loved every minute, but it was Clare film-maker turned intrepid garden pilgrim who reconnected with and redefined the lines of the aforementioned path.  

The Spaghetti Approach

And a new technique was born, unless my horticultural know-how is so out-of-touch (and well that's a given as it goes) but Daniel became quite the dab hand.  Not sure if there's any video footage but what became a process goes something like this:
  1. Fork at the ready
  2. Fork delves into the brush at the base
  3. Turn and turn again
  4. Pull
Simples.  And it felt highly successful, although I wouldn't dare share the results lol.  We spent around 5-6 hours full on and although the photo-footage shows little it encouraged the hell out of us.

Along with chatting, laughing, and the additional benefits of being in the great outdoors 😻 we made a fantastic start.  These lovelies are the best.

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